Know the Right Way of Adding Chemicals in the Hot Tub
Imagine it's a romantic day and you have invited the love of your life for drinks. Since you want everything to go perfectly, you have planned everything from the drinks, music to the menu. As the clock is ticking, your heartbeat is running fast because it's the first time you two will spend quality time. You have decorated your hot tub with lights and sprayed the best essential oils to get a feel of heaven. But just when your partner was about to enter the house, you realised that the hot tub is not cleaned. (Oh no!) What are you going to do now? Are you thinking about cancelling everything? Don’t stress too much because it's just an imagination. But if you don’t want this thing to happen in your real life, read this post to understand how to use chlorine tablets and other hot tub chemical products to clean the hot tub. We are sure that you might have read a lot of articles on how to buy the perfect chemicals but hardly any on how to use it. And that’s why we...